Courses taught in the

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

North Dakota State University


ECE 401: Senior Design I

Syllabus Fall 2024


Syllabus - Resources - Comments

Instructor: Jeff Erikson, Jake Glower

Office: ECE 209 (Erickson), ECE 201 (Glower)

Contact Info:

Office Hours: Mo-Th 9-10am

Class Times: We 3pm, ECE 125





YouTube Playlist



Aug 28

Week 1

0. Syllabus

Week #0 Slides


1. Project List

Beginners Guide to OneNote


OneNote Upgrades

Project List


HW1: Project Selection (10%)

Which project you want to work on

Pick your lab partner (2/group)

Due Week #2

Sep 4

Week 2

2. Project Management & OneNote

Week #2 Slides

Sample OneNote Document

Project Planning for Beginners

Project Management Definitions



Gantt Chart in Xcel

HW2: Work Breakdown Structure (10%)

Set up One-Note (one per group)

Share with partners & instructors

Outline Level 3 (sections)

Outline Level 4 (pages)

Due Week #3

Sep 11

Week 3

3. CircuitLab, Diodes, & Transistors

Week #3 Slides


LM7805 Datasheets

CircuitLab Demo

HW3: Paper Design (10%)

Circuit Schematic

Calculations for Rs

Calculations for voltages and currents

Due Week #6

Sep 18

Week 4

4. Op-Amps & 555 Timers

Week #4 Slides


LM555 Datasheets

MCP602 Datasheets

LM833 Datasheets



Sep 25

Week 5

Career Fair (no class)

HW4: Simulation (10%)

-       CircuitLab Schematics

-       CircuitLab Results

-       Main IC Datasheets

-       Due Week #8


Oct 2

Week 6

5. Designs Using a Microcontroller

Week #5 Slides


Sample Code







Oct 9

Week 7

6. Breadboards and Test Points

Week #6 Slides


PIC18F2620 on a Breadboard

BreadBoard Intro


Breadboards & Perfboards


PIC18F4620 in Stand-Alone Mode




HW5: Breadboard (10%)

-       Breadboard Photo

-       Schematics

-       Lab Data (multimeter, oscope, etc)

-       Analysis & discussion of lab data

-       Parts List

-       Due Week #10

Oct 16

Week 8

7. Fusion360 & Schematics

Week #7 Slides

Digikey: Trace Width Calculator

ECE Parts Inventory

Fusion 360 Intro & 555 Timer




Oct 23

Week 9

8. Fusion 360 & PCB Layout

Week #8 Slides

HW6: PCB Layout (10%)

Gerber Files

PCB Schematics

BOM in Excel format

3D drawing of pcb

Updated lab notebook

Due Week 12

sample bill-of-materials

Oct 30

Week 10

9: Soldering

Meet in ECE 125

Hand Soldering SMT


Hand Soldering SMT (JG)


SMT Workstation

HW7: Practice PCB (10%)

Solder a practice PCB

Through hole & surface mount parts

Lead and Lead-Free Solder

Due Week #12

Nov 4

Week 11

Test Equipment – Groups 1-9

Meet in ECE 237

DMM Tutorial


O-Scope Tutorial (SparkFun)


O-Scope (ElectroBoom)

HW8: Test Equipment (10%)

Use of Lab Equipment

Measure gain & phase of RC circuit

Due In-Class

Can redo

Nov 11

Week 12


HW9: Final Report (20%)

Group demo

Functioning PCB

Poster (Due May 2nd)

Updated lab notebook

Due Week 16 (Friday)

Nov 18

Week 13

Test Equipment – Groups 10-19

Meet in ECE 237


PCB boards might be in

-       Populate PCBs

-       Create poster

Nov 25

Week 14





Dec 4

Week 15

Poster Requirements


Work on project

Sign up for final presentation time and date


PCB boards should be in

-       Populate PCBs

-       Create poster

Dec 11

Week 16

Sr. Design Expo

May 2nd, noon-3pm. MU Ballroom


M-F, ECE Room 201

Sign up for times outside ECE 201

One presentation per group


Poster Template (ppt)

Sample Poster 1

Sample Poster 2