Courses taught in the

Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering

North Dakota State University


ECE 403: Senior Design II

Syllabus Fall 2024


Syllabus - Resources - Comments

Instructor: Jeff Erikson, Jake Glower

Office: ECE 209 (Erickson), ECE 201 (Glower)

Contact Info:,

Office Hours: Mo-Th 9-10am

Class Times: Friday 3pm, ECE 125





YouTube Playlist


Aug 30

Week 1

1: Syllabus & Project Selection

Week #1 Slides

Sponsor Info

Info for Project Sponsors

IP Agreement Form

NDA Form

Project Proposal Form

Beginners Guide to OneNote


OneNote Upgrades

Project List


HW1: Project Selection (5%)

Rank you top three projects

Due Week #2

Sep 6

Week 2

2: Project Management & OneNote

Week #2 Slides

Sample OneNote Document

Assign Students to Projects

Project Number, Project Title

3 students per team

Lab Station Location

Project Planning for Beginners


Gantt Chart in Xcel

HW2: Project Charter & OneNote (10%)

Project Charter

Work Breakdown Structure

(Role of Each Student)

OneNote Document

Due Week #3

Sep 13

Week 3

3: Tasks and Apply Knowledge of ECE

Week #3 Slides

Work Breakdown Structure

Major Activities (Technical Challenges)

Tasks (To-Do List)

Gantt Chart for ECE 403


HW3: Tasks & ECE Concepts (10%)

Separate section in OneNote for each student, including

-       What is your role?

-       Technical Challenges to solve in ECE 403

-       List of tasks to complete

-       Gantt Chart for each student

-       What four ECE concepts will you demonstrate?

-       What two ECE tools will you demonstrate proficiency with?

Due Week #4

Sep 20

Week 4

4: ECE Tools

Week #4 Slides

Oscilloscopes (almost mandatory)


Function Generaters

Spectrum Analyzers

Power Factor Meters


Oscilloscopes (ElectroBoom)


Lab Station Location

Check out your lab stations

Key card access works

You know where your station is

Sep 27

Week 5

5: Breadboards & Test Points

Week #5 Slides

HW4 Tasks & Apply Knowledge of ECE (1/4) (10%)

Work on tasks for ECE 403

While doing so, apply knowledge of ECE (1/4)

Each student should update their section of OneNote

Can revise and will be regraded

Oct 4

Week 6

6: Test Equipment

Meet at your lab station



Oct 11

Week 7

Test Equipment (redo)

Meet at your lab station

Optional if you need to redo


HW5 Tasks & Apply Knowledge of ECE (2/4) (10%)

Work on tasks for ECE 403

While doing so, apply knowledge of ECE (2/4)

Each student should update their section of OneNote

Can revise and will be regraded

Oct 18

Week 8

Work on your project & Meet with Sponsor

(no class)



Oct 25

Week 9




Nov 1

Week 10

Work on your project & Meet with Sponsor

(no class)


HW6 Tasks & Apply Knowledge of ECE (3/4) (10%)

Work on tasks for ECE 403

While doing so, apply knowledge of ECE (3/4)

Each student should update their section of OneNote

Can revise and will be regraded

Nov 8

Week 11


Work on your project

(no class)



Nov 15

Week 12

Work on your project & Meet with Sponsor

(no class)


HW7 Tasks & Apply Knowledge of ECE (4/4) (10%)

Work on tasks for ECE 403

While doing so, apply knowledge of ECE (2/4)

Each student should update their section of OneNote

Can revise and will be regraded

Nov 22

Week 13


Work on your project

(no class)




Nov 29

Week 14



Breadboards & Perfboards


HW8 ECE Tools (10%)

Demo mastery of two ECE tools

Each student should update their section of OneNote

Can refer to other sections (HW5-8)

Dec 6

Week 15


Work on your project

(no class)


HW9: Test Equipment (10%)

Dec 13

Week 16


Work on your project

Attend ECE 405 Demonstrations

Noon to 4pm, MU main ballroom


HW10 ECE 405 Demos (5%)



Biweekly Meetings (10%)