// Timer2.C // Set up a Timer2 interrupt for 1ms // Display time on the LCD display // Global Variables const unsigned char MSG0[21] = "Timer2.C "; const unsigned char MSG1[21] = "1ms Interrupt "; const unsigned char RUN; unsigned int T2; // Subroutine Declarations #include // Subroutines #include "lcd_portd.c" // High-priority service void interrupt IntServe(void) { if (TMR2IF) { RA1 = !RA1; T2 += 1; TMR2IF = 0; } } // Main Routine void main(void) { unsigned char i; unsigned int j; TRISA = 0; TRISB = 0; TRISC = 0; TRISD = 0; TRISE = 0; ADCON1 = 0x0F; T2 = 0; LCD_Init(); // initialize the LCD LCD_Move(0,0); for (i=0; i<20; i++) LCD_Write(MSG0[i]); LCD_Move(1,0); for (i=0; i<20; i++) LCD_Write(MSG1[i]); Wait_ms(1000); LCD_Inst(1); // clear LCD // set up Timer2 for 1ms T2CON = 0x4D; PR2 = 249; TMR2ON = 1; TMR2IE = 1; TMR2IP = 1; PEIE = 1; // turn on all interrupts GIE = 1; while(1) { LCD_Move(0, 0); LCD_Out(T2, 5, 3); LCD_Move(1, 0); LCD_Out(PR2, 5, 0); LCD_Move(1, 8); LCD_Out(T2CON, 5, 0); } }